Friday, April 17, 2009

Onward You Tea Baggin' Soldiers...taint what it used to be.

Editor's note: The following was written by my good friend Emmett Sheridan. It is posted here with his permission. It's appropriate for the week. Keep in mind, all the people who were enraged by the tax rate, must remember that the current tax rate is that of the Bush administration from eight years ago. Furthermore, Obama's latest budget plan will cut taxes for all Americans but the wealthiest 1%. So for all the dumb mo-mo's who were waving tea bags...ha!

Onward Sons of Liberty!!

Much press has been made about these modern day Tea Parties springing up randomly across the nation, and their call for a new, more responsible and smaller government. I say onward with the call from our modern day Sons of Liberty. Hopefully, however, we can have a more peaceful form of protest than the original Sons of Liberty who burned tax collection houses and killed tax collectors. They brought forth a group now known as the Founding Fathers, and now this new age group must try to restore the nation back to the Founding Fathers intentions, especially to the nation envisioned by Thomas Jefferson.
The United States of Thomas Jefferson sounds like a little slice of heaven to scores of Americans today. He was a guy so opposed to a strong central government that he was not invited to help write the Constitution! Jefferson was in favor of a great nation with large agrarian landowners with the average, hardworking Americans working their own small plot of land given to them from their caring, godlike landlords. Slavery, obviously, would be a necessary evil in this situation because of the backbreaking demands of these landed estates. The fine outstanding landed aristocracy would be so pure that they would have the power of the country resting in their hands, and they would not have to worry about taxes because that would burden their daily routines. If the United States was forced into war then each landowner would conscript their local populations to fight in a loose confederation led by knights in cockade hats. What a noble idea for a country?!? It worked well in Europe for 900 years, so it definitely would have settled in nicely in the United States of fiefdoms.
Unfortunately for the United States, Jefferson and his vision succumbed to the calls from James Madison’s Constitution, and joined in this federal union that suppressed the natural feudal rights of man. Jefferson did this in a noble effort to make the U.S. a stronger nation. However, Jefferson was so blinded by this golden calf of a document that he expanded the power and took liberties with the Constitution, even became of defender of it as President! He did all of this under the guise of “helping the country”. In fact, he betrayed the true callings of our Founding Fathers and sent the country down a path of ruin that we are forced to fight against now, two hundred years later.
These new Tea Parties are finally bringing to light this path of ruin, it is a shame it has taken two hundred years to readdress these problems. The United States is such a horrendous place to call home in this modern age with repressive taxes, no freedom or security from enemies (foreign and domestic), and a brutal, democratically elected representative government that cannot supply its people with basic necessities. I have a hard time living in a place where I can drive down paved roads, access to medical services, and drink water without the fear of dying.
The Tea Parties have shown how repressive a democratic federal government, with relatively low taxes, can ruin a nation. In fact, why can’t our nation be more like Somalia, where there are no public schools, taxes, or any other burden placed on its people by a federal government. In Somalia, there exists a true capitalistic system, which is, apparently, what our country was founded on before being blinded by the Constitution and the subsequent freedoms allowed by it.


  1. My cousin, the only conservative-type in the family, went to a tea party in Massachusetts. I mock her for it.
    I wonder how many of these people what percentage of the total income of this country is brought in by that top 1%. Hint: a lot.
    I think this shows how the conservatives are still stuck in the past, despite their claims that they are becoming "hip" and "modern." Obama won with the help of the internet. Conservatives lost, and start a vague protest based on an event from colonial America.

  2. Very nice Emmett! Down with "taxation with representation"! Perhaps people need to read "Day in the Life of Joe Middle-Class Republican." Not directly related to taxation, but it shows all the things our tax money goes toward.
