Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I am thrilled to see Rush “el Duce” Limbaugh do his best imitation of a House of Pain song and “jump around” as an adoring CPAC crowd chanted his name. It was a perfect sign of the times. The de facto leader of the Republican party who makes elected congressmen tremble if they cross his path, stood proud. Rush was an apropos symbol for the Republican party at this time: a corpulent, old, rich white man, bedecked in the black shirt, reflective of 1920s Italy, in love with the chant of his own name, tells America “Welcome back to fascist Spain/Italy- you don‘t have money? Do us a favor and die.” And he says this as he sits in his Florida plantation.

Rush’s message, no opposition other than “no”. Says Rush, “Do we have another plan? No we don’t need to. This is socialism! Capitalism is perfect.” Yes it’s perfect and we see it in failed banks that can’t seem to keep their fly up while raping American home owners who lost their jobs while the banks go off on luxury junkets or remodel their offices. Capitalism is perfect because GM is failing, a reward for deregulation and antagonism towards making the auto industry look towards the future of green cars. Let’s not forget that conservatives in public opinion polls, can’t score above the failing median they’ve established for public schools in No Child Left Behind; and that would make them a failing institution.

Keep licking Rush’s boots Michael Steele. He can’t afford to tip or pay for the polish. All Rush ever did was recite ideology. He never really labored like some poor schmuck at GM because we all know the schmuck at GM joined a union and that’s un-American. Which leads to the private sector. I keep hearing the private sector will save us. Really? The private sector can’t muster enough money on the street for a New York City hotdog. Citi stock is worth more than my life…a dollar a share. Who else is going to infuse this country with capital? Rush? Good luck. Strip a dime from him and he’ll call you an unwed mother who wants to abort babies….even if you’re a guy he’ll accuse you thus.

Then there is Tommy Franks and the Military Channel. This is why I will cancel cable. Tommy Franks, the general who toppled Saddam Hussein, goes on and on and on about leadership in the military: it’s because of integrity that he feels great leadership in the military is so solid and will last fore eons, and he sleeps well because of said leadership…then some loudmouth voiceover tells me to checkout Golden Coral’s touring seafood or some such trope. Really? I was this close to buying into our leadership, and some idiot stamps it with corporate sponsorship. Hey Tommy, donate the money you took for that ad to the four thousand dead soldiers’ families who fought to find WMD’s and instead are now your launching pad to shill for Golden Coral. You’re already disregarded as an egotistical vessel for policy within the military. Don’t make it so easy, you MacArthur wannabe. If I'm wrong and he did not receive a dime from Golden Coral, I'll eat an NYC hotdog. Ah, but what does it matter? Tomorrow, I'll wake up and at my alma mater, the basketball coach makes more than I, and I hear we won't make the tournament.


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